Historie hledání
QUINTON HAZELL měch, hnací hřídel QJB8030 Ean: 5016593561076
- Kód výrobce: QJB8030
- Objednací kód: 00057-QJB8030
- Název: Měch, hnací hřídel
- Ean: 5016593561076
Pic.1 Remove the road wheel and hub. Remove the old boot and clips. Clean any grease or debris from the shaft and joint. Pic. 2 Check fitting cone for sharp or rough areas. Smooth with emery cloth if necessary. Spray outer with cone spray. Pic. 3 If fitting the new boot to an outer CV joint, turn the boot inside out. (this will almost always be the case) Spray the inside with cone spray. Pic. 4 Place the large end of the boot over the narrow end of the cone. Place the large end of the cone over the joint. Pic.5 Push the boot forcefully until it is lear of the cone. Pic. 6 Remove the cone and turn the boot right side out - if necessary. Pic. 7 Snip the corner of the grease sachet and fill the joint. Slide and stretch the boot into position over the joint. Pic. 8 Secure the boot with fixing clips, removing any excess with tin snips. Replace the hub and road wheel.
vnitrni prumer od 1 [mm]: 86 mm
Vnitřní průměr 1 do [mm]: 103 mm
vnitrni prumer od 2 [mm]: 27 mm
Vnitřní průměr 2 do [mm]: 32 mm
vyska ( v mm ): 119 mm
montovací strana: Predni naprava - oboustranny